
  • Monday

    12.30 -1.30pm

    Lunchtime yoga at the Meadows.

    Simply yoga. Encompassing pranayama (breath/energy work), mudras (hand genstures), asana (postures) and meditation.


    Yoga for the Soul (online via zoom)

    As the nights draw in, lets honour the darkness and sloooow down. Lets honour the yin part of the year with somatic movement and gentle yoga.

  • Friday


    Yoga & Somatic Fusion (online via zoom)

    Settle into your nest at home, use of somatic movement to allow our bodies to move into yoga postures with ease. Slow flow.

    Zoom details available after booking.


    Chair Yoga

    Chair yoga for the more senior yogi - however if this is something that would benefit you and younger - lets talk!

    Sponsored by the Kathy Julius Trust.

    Ellon Meadows Sports Centre.

    Wee cuppa and a chat after class, optional.


    Rest and Restore

    A wonderfully restorative class with slow moves, with yin, restorative and somatic movement - deeply relaxing and just what is needed through Autumn and Winter.

    Book via Ellon Meadows Sports Centre

  • Sunday

    15th September - sound with Allan

    Allan and I are geeking out with lots of gongs to give you a wonderful experience, followed by a cuppa. Held at Love Yoga in Aberdeen - please book via their website

    23rd September - Autumn Equinox


    Movement - Relaxation - Sound

    See more details under workshops - Ellon Castle Gardens - indoor venue if needed.

    3rd November - Samhain Celebration


    Movement - Relaxation - Sound

    See more details under workshops - Ellon Castle Gardens - indoor venue if needed.

    21st December - Yule Celebration


    more details under Workshops on behalf of Grampian Yoga Association, to book

  • Monthly Sound Bath

    October 4th 2024


    Monthly Melody of Sound Healing

    using a variety of sound healing instruments - especially gongs.

    Ellon Meadows Sports Centre