Join Kelly in a celtic celebration & the turning of the wheel.
The Autumn equinox, named Mabon in the celtic wheel of the year, is a celebration where the day and night/light and dark are of equal length, and the darkness starts to come again. Although this can be a time that people dread, lets turn that around and look at why we should celebrate this change.
We will offer some movement to help us settle into our space, the movement practice will be accessible to all. This will be followed by a deep relaxation technique called Yoga Nidra, in itself a transformative space.
After this we will move into a melody of sound, using mainly gongs…sound works on an energetic level and we are energetic beings and respond well to this. Different frequencies of sound help match and shift stuck energies we have on all levels of existence.
This magical and transformative event will take place under the canopy of the yew trees in Ellon Castle Gardens. Layer up, take something to sit or lie on, blankets and anything else to make you comfortable and let me support you in this journey,
We will offer some snacks and some mamma cacao after the event to help ground us back into the present moment. Take a journal, if this is your thing.
Please note there are some contraindications for sound, such as 1st trimester of pregnancy, Pacemaker wearers for example.
It’s great to hydrate yourself ahead of the event, and especially afterwards to help flush through any toxins that may have been released.